We require proof of Greenbrier County residency. The documents we can accept as proof are driver’s license with current PHYSICAL county address, utility bill or current car registration. Please understand that we ask you for proof of residency because many surrounding counties do not have shelters and so residents try to bring the animals to GHS when we barely have the room to house the homeless and unwanted animals of tax-paying Greenbrier County residents!
ALDERSON RESIDENTS: Your proof of residency must have a PHYSICAL ADDRESS; we cannot determine which county you live in based on a PO Box.
We accept animals Tuesday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. only. We do NOT accept intakes on Sundays & Mondays!
If the animal is injured and requires immediate medical care, please take it to a vet as we do not always have a veterinarian on staff at the shelter.