Greenbrier County Animal Control
Yoga takes you into the present moment. The only place where life exists.
There is only one Animal Control Officer employed by Greenbrier County. His office is located inside the Greenbrier County Courthouse on Court Street in Downtown Lewisburg. Due to construction on the courthouse, their current contact number is 304-661-5133.
If you need immediate assistance, you may call Sheriff’s Department Dispatch at 304-647-7911 and tell them you need Animal Control dispatched.
Any animals picked up by Animal Control are brought to the Greenbrier Humane Society unless they need immediate medical assistance. If your animal was picked up by Animal Control, you will need to speak with them first before you redeem him/her from the animal shelter. After you speak with Animal Control, Greenbrier Humane Society requires current rabies vaccine and county dog tag certificates to redeem owned animals.